The Package

Here you can click and find out more practical info about the offer

  • - Roskilde festival ticket

    - The most social activity ever

    - Great selling experience

    -camping ground

    - Free meal every working day

    - A lot of happy memories

    - Music, music oh did I say music

  • - Socially outgoing!

    - Optimistic!

    - In good health - (can carry a 10kg backpack for 5 hours that of course will be lighter the more you sell :))

  • Are you the above? Then you can be a part of this wonderful event where you will meet maaaany new friends and take on a fun challenge! 💪


Why Roskilde?

Well, you happen to know about the biggest and sickest festival in Northern Europe, don’t you?

Luckily enough, we can offer you tickets to that festival! Want to find out about it?

What is CoffeeCow?

CoffeeCow is a company with a long tradition in service and catering. Want to find out more?

Some Experiences…

  • Christina Keller

    “Roskilde and CoffeeCow are inseperable in my mind”

  • Jacob Wagner

    “We went from strangers to amazing friends”

  • Gustav Flink

    “The work on the festival is a really great work with a variety of tasks and a big share of love and fun”

  • Belinda Viking

    “the people working there have become my family for the past 11 years ❤ “